4 Key Take Aways When Flying TAP Airlines With a Baby

Here are our 4 key take aways from our trip with a 8 month old baby to the Netherlands with TAP Airlines.

take aways flying with tap airlines with baby
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Traveling with young children can be a challenging experience, but with the right preparation, it can also be smooth and enjoyable. TAP Air Portugal, as a family-friendly airline, offers several services and accommodations to make your journey easier. We flew with TAP Airlines to the Netherlands when Nora was 8 moths old and we had a good time. We experienced a couple of things that could have gone better and we'd like to share those here with you so you can consider them before booking or flying with young kids.

Understanding TAP Air Portugal’s Family-Friendly Services

TAP Air Portugal is known for its commitment to making travel comfortable for all passengers, including families with young children. From priority boarding to special meal options for kids, the airline provides various services that cater to families. Knowing these options can significantly enhance your travel experience. These are our 4 key take aways when flying with kids: 

1. Priority Services for Families

One of the standout features when flying with TAP Air Portugal is the priority services offered to families. If you're traveling with a baby or young children, you will be given priority at various stages of your journey, including check-in, security, and boarding. This means you can access fast lanes at security checkpoints and be among the first to board the plane.

This priority treatment extends beyond the airport; in Portugal, pregnant women and families with children are often given priority in public places like supermarkets, museums, and other attractions. This cultural norm is reflected in the services provided by TAP Air Portugal, making it a welcoming airline for families. Loooove it!

2. Assigned Seating

When traveling with children, it’s essential to ensure that your seats are pre-booked and paid for. TAP Air Portugal offers the option to select your seats in advance, but there’s a crucial point to remember: even if your initial booking shows that you’ve been assigned desirable seats, such as the front row, those seats are not guaranteed unless you pay for them.

This can be particularly important when traveling with a baby, as having the extra space and convenience of front-row seating can make a big difference. Without paying for seat selection, you might find yourself reassigned to less favorable seats, as was the case in our recent experience. We were moved from the front row to a few rows back just before our flight, simply because we didn't pay for them and someone else did. To avoid this inconvenience, it’s worth booking your seats too.

3. Managing Personal Items for Your Baby

When flying with a baby on your lap, TAP Air Portugal has specific guidelines regarding personal items. According to the airline’s policies on their website, infants on laps are not allowed to bring personal luggage. However, there is a provision for bringing “essential items,” though what qualifies as essential is not clearly defined.

To navigate this, it’s advisable to pack smartly by combining your baby’s essentials with your own carry-on items. For example, merging your laptop bag and diaper bag like we did. This way, you can keep your baby’s necessary items close at hand while adhering to the airline’s guidelines.

4. Ensuring Your Stroller is Delivered at the Gate

Traveling with a stroller can be a lifesaver, especially when navigating busy airports with young children. However, to ensure that your stroller is available as soon as you disembark, you need to take an extra step. When checking in your stroller, we advise you to attach an additional label that clearly states “DELIVER AT GATE.” You would create this yourself, DIY style.

This simple step can prevent the frustration of arriving at your destination only to find that your stroller has been sent to the luggage belt instead of being available at the gate. In our case, the stroller had been given the official tag "deliver at gate" at the check in desk, HOWEVER the tag was gone when we finally found our stroller on the belt for odd sized luggage. Pretty annoying.

So our advise: create a sturdy tag yourself so that whatever happens, your stroller will be delivered at the gate.

Additional Tips for a Smooth Journey with TAP Air Portugal

In addition to the four key takeaways mentioned above, here are a few more tips to make your journey with TAP Air Portugal as smooth as possible:

  • Check-in Online: Utilize online check-in to avoid long queues at the airport. This can be especially helpful when traveling with young children who may become impatient with waiting.
  • Pack Snacks and Entertainment: While TAP Air Portugal offers meals and entertainment options, it’s always a good idea to bring along your child’s favorite snacks and activities to keep them comfortable and entertained during the flight. Our favorite tip is that you don't show all the toys that you packed at once. Let your baby play with one or two toys and once they get bored, store them away and pull out two other toys.
  • Utilize the Bassinet Option: For long-haul flights, TAP Air Portugal offers bassinets for infants. Be sure to request this when booking, a week before departure AND when checking in your luggage at the airport. There is a limited number available, you need to have the right seats, and you need to be requesting it first. The bassinet is never guaranteed!


Flying with young children doesn’t have to be a stressful experience. With TAP Air Portugal’s family-friendly services and a bit of preparation, you can ensure a smooth and enjoyable journey for your entire family. By taking advantage of priority services, securing your seating, packing wisely, and ensuring your stroller is properly tagged, you can focus on enjoying your trip rather than worrying about the details. Safe travels!

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